กลุ่มอุตสาหกรรม พลังงานหมุนเวียน



Renewable Energy Industry club application process

Membership Benefits

Becoming a member of the Federation of Thai Industries will grant the following benefits such as:

  1. The ability to propose and convey complaints regarding the industry’s operations, with complemental suggestions and improvement guidelines.
  2. The ability to convey opinions and suggestions to the government, for the development of the Industry’s economy through the Federation of Thai Industries.
  3. The ability to join seminars, observe businesses both domestic and overseas, and also joining projects for the purpose of promoting and supporting the development of industries, including activities and projects belonging to the Federation of Thai Industries.
  4. The ability to request certifications, such as

4.1) Financial status certifications- to receive benefits from the reduction of guarantee limits, preferential treatment in the customs clearance of imports/exports at the customs department and faster tax returns from the revenue department.

4.2) Plastic production inspection and certifications to waive import duties for materials following clauses 36(1) and (2) of the board of investments (BOI).

4.3) Certification for the country of origin for exporting purposes.

  1. Receive circulating documents with data beneficial to the operations of the industry.
  2. Receive “Industry Focus” Journals every 2 months, a total of 6 issues per year. (General members only)
  3. Receive membership directories, with 1 set of CD-ROM. (General members only)
  4. Receive 1 free email account with available free space of 20 MB. (General members only)
  5. Special discounts
  • 20% discount on Certification for the country of origin
  • 20%-30% discount on entering seminars
  • 15%-30% discount on factory visits
  • 35% discount on academic recordings
  • 10% Discount on water and air quality inspections
  • 50% discount on broadcasting internet advertisements.

How to apply

Completely fill in details through the application form, for the purpose of joining specific groups please provide the name of the industrial group or provincial industry federations in the top right corner and the name of your representative in section (4) and (5) of the form, with the signature of your authorized person and company seal, if any. Additionally, please attach complementary/relevant documents, registration and membership fees then send to

Provincial Federation department and registrar, Federation of Thai Industries

60 New Rachadaphisek Road, Khlong Toei, Bangkok 10110
Call 0-2345-1027, 0-2345-1030-1

Download the Federation of Thai Industries application form

Required Application documents

  1. General members
  2. General members – Factory
  • 1.1.1) Copy of registration certificate, as legal entity at the ministry of commerce
  • 1.1.2) Copy of factory license
  • 1.1.3) Financial income statement
  • 1.2) General members – Trade association
  • 1.2.1) Copy of trade association membership certification
  • 1.2.2) List of Association members
  •      2)Associate members
  • 2.1) Associate members – Legal entity
  • 2.1.1) Copy of registration certificate, as legal entity at the ministry            commerce
  • 2.2) Associate members – Individuals 
  • 2.2.1) Copy of proof of academic experience or technological knowledge relevant to Industries
  • 2.2.2) Copy of House registration
  • 2.2.3) Copy of Citizenship ID

Payment methods for registration and membership fees

Cash or Cheque in the name of “The Federation of Thai Industries” or account transfer to the Federation of Thai Industries’ savings account at Krung Thai Bank public limited company, Khlong Toei branch Account number 009-1-70874-5

  • For registration and membership fees of the Federation of Thai Industries please click here
  • For specific Industry group fees please click here
  • For Provincial Federation membership fees please click here